Welcome to Your Shadow Advisor

This is a brief introduction to this new podcast, hosted by Prof. Darrel Wanzer-Serrano, about navigating higher education from a first-generation, person of color point of view.

Darrel Wanzer-Serrano: Thanks
for listening in to Your Shadow

Advisor, a weekly program about
navigating higher education from

a first generation person of
color perspective. I'm your host

Professor Darrel Wanzer-Serrano.
Have you ever wondered why there

are so few underrepresented
faculty of color in college and

university classrooms,
especially at your flagship

research universities? Well,
it's complicated. And part of

the reason is that higher
education institutions are

racialized organizations that
conserve their cultures of

whiteness through a hidden
curriculum that benefits those

in the know. That's why if
you're a student, so many of

your professors also have
parents who are professors, or

who at least had advanced
degrees. Your Shadow Advisor is

an attempt to level the playing
field to demystify that hidden

curriculum so that people like
me, people who are entering

higher education as low income
first generation

underrepresented people of color
can access the opportunities and

behaviors necessary to succeed,
thrive and transform the

organizational cultures of
higher ed. So every Wednesday

starting August 24, I'll post a
new episode answering key

questions about this hidden
curriculum in ways that your

primary advisors simply may
never have thought about. If you

have a question, send it to

or head to the website to submit
an audio question that I might

air on the podcast. Until then,
please please, please subscribe

to the podcast on Apple
podcasts, Spotify, or whatever

app you use. Thanks again for
listening in.

Welcome to Your Shadow Advisor
Broadcast by